- Dietary intake and strength training management among weight sports athlete category- role of protein intake level to body composition and muscle formation (2019)
- Identifikasi status gizi, somatotipe, asupan makan dan cairan pada atlet atletik remaja di Indonesia (2018)
- Anthropometric characteristics and dietary intake of swimming athletes with disabilities before the competition (2018)
- Pengaruh suplementasi zink terhadap parameter hematologi atlet sepatu roda setelah latihan endurance (2018)
- Identifikasi profil antropometri dan pemenuhan zat gizi atlet difabel tenis meja di Indonesia (2018)
- Correlation Between Nutritional Status and Lifestyle for Youth Soccer Athlete Performance (2017)
- Correlation between dietary intake with anthropometry profile on youth football athlete in Indonesia (2016)
- Asupan Cairan dan Status Hidrasi Mempengaruhi Profil Tekanan Darah pada Atlet Sepakbola Remaja (2016)
- Identification of somatotype, nutritional status, food and fluid intake in gymnastic youth athletes (2016)
- Identifikasi somatotype, status gizi, dan dietary intake atlet remaja stop and go sports (2016)